Media and Technology

Our Approach

Working with leading media and technology companies on their key challenges

The media and technology industry continues to transform at pace. But some things do not change, such as the enduring value of premium content and innovation, where rewards for investment and risk are under threat.

OpSec works across online media distribution, technology products and components, digital businesses, and telecoms to safeguard intellectual property assets and reputations. We bring together digital content protection, product authentication, and safeguarding of brand identities and reputation to meet the needs and challenges of this fast-paced sector. And we know how to navigate its complex platforms and partnerships.

Content Protection for Video

Content Protection for Video

OpSec offers comprehensive cover against pirates. Find out how we protect theatrical and TV releases and live events to preserve the premium of the greatest content.

Content protection for publishers

Content Protection for Publishers

OpSec tackles most forms of copyright infringement. Learn how we help the publishers of music, games, and books overcome an age-old problem in a digital age.

Online brand and fraud protection

Online Protection for Brands

OpSec safeguards brand identities and reputations online. Find out how our multi-threat response protects against persistent infringement, fraud, and counterfeit selling.

Product Authentication and Enhancement

Product Authentication and Enhancement

OpSec adds value to products and reduces vulnerability. Discover how our security features and specialty materials protect technology products against all forms of imitation.

Character Licensing

Licensing for Character Properties

OpSec is part of the scenery for leading licensors. Find out how our approach to licensing and merchandising brings superpowers to cherished character properties.

Our thinking

Getting smart to tackle piracy in publishing

In a media landscape where streaming dominates the headlines, it is worth noting that the publishing industry is still worth around four times that of music. Both are susceptible to infringement. But academic content poses tough questions.

Our approach to tackling unauthorized use of academic content adopts a bespoke approach to target misuse on learning support sites. We find the hard to find with our proprietary search methods. So, plagiarism becomes a less profitable pursuit.

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